Lobster Butter

Prep Time

10 Minutes

Cook Time

45 Minutes


Serves 10.5oz


Butter will keep refrigerated up to 1 week or frozen up to 3 months.

Most ingredients are available in the market!


1 ea 1 1/4lb Lobster, Preferably Female
7 oz Butter, Unsalted, Softened
Fine Sea Salt

Method of Preparation

1. Bring a large pot of salted water to a boil.
2. Plunge lobster head-first into bo

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iling water, cover and cook just until water returns to a boil, about 5 minutes.
3. Uncover and cook for 5 minutes more.
4. Transfer the lobster to a colander and drain, head-down to remove excess liquids.
5. When cool enough to handle, crack lobster and separate meat from shell.
6. If lobster is female, remove roe and set aside (the roe sac is red when cooked).
7. Discard soft, pale green tomalley.
8. Finely chop the meat.
9. In a medium saucepan, combine finely chopped lobster meat, roe and 1 tsp of the butter.
10. Heat over medium-high heat, stirring constantly for 1 minute.
11. Transfer mixture to a bowl and let cool completely.
12. Add remaining butter and 1/2 tsp of fine sea salt.
13. Stir together to combine well.
14. To wrap the butter, spoon the mixture onto a 12

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x12inch sheet of parchment paper, wax paper or plastic wrap, placing an edge closest to you.
15. Fold the paper over and roll into a log.
16. Twist at the ends and wrap airtight in foil.
17. Freeze or chill until firm.

Recipe Source

La Cucina Italiana Magazine, www.lacucinaitalianamag.com March/April 2013 Issue

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