Bistecca Paolo

Prep Time

10 Minutes

Cook Time

15 Minutes


Serves 4


All ingredients are available in Antonio’s Market & Cafe


• 4 ea 14oz NY Steaks
• 1/2 cup Extra Virgin Olive Oil
• 1/2 cup Flour
• 7 oz Pancetta
• 2 cloves Garlic, Sliced
• 4 ea Sage Leaves
• 1 3/4 cup Demiglace
• 2 tbsp Pomodoro Sauce
• 1/4 cup Brandy

Method of Preparation

1. Preheat over to 400 degrees F.
2. Place pancetta in a food processor and pulse until it has a paste like consistency.
3. Add garlic, sage and 1/4 cup olive oil. Pulse again until paste forms.
4. Season steak with salt and pepper on both sides.
5. On one side of the steak, liberally smear pancetta paste and then dust the paste side with flour.
6. In a large skillet, heat remaining oil. Place steak, paste side down and cook until brown.
7. Turn with a spatula or tongs and place in oven. Cook until desired temperature.
8. Remove from oven and drain off an excess oil, then return to stove top.
9. Add brandy.
10. Quickly add pomodoro and demiglace.
11. Remove steaks and add salt to sauce as needed.
12. Place steaks on plates and pour sauce over the top.

Recipe Source

Mejores Casas de Apuestas para Carreras de Caballos en Argentina con Betzoid
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